Seven Sisters School holds classes Monday through Friday from 9 am to 3 pm. Each school day begins with morning assembly – the students stand in lines at attention and sing several group songs, including the Indian National Anthem, and recite the National Pledge of India. The students then break up into their individual class levels to rotate through their class subjects. We currently have students studying from class 1 through class 7. The higher level students (classes 3 to 7) study spoken and written English, Assamese, Hindi, math, social science, science, general knowledge, and character development. Class levels 1 and 2 have a reduced subject load, focusing their efforts on English, Assamese, math and social science. Class periods run around forty-five minutes each, with a fifteen minute mid-morning break and a forty-five minute lunch break
General academic classes end at 3 pm. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday an afternoon Family and Life Education for Girls (FLEG) class from our YWCA curriculum or a life skills lesson is provided. The purpose of these classes is to teach our girls the basic skills they will need in life – from personal hygiene, goal setting, problem solving, and relationship skills - things that they otherwise will not learn in the classroom. Most of our girls also participate in a late afternoon off-campus mixed martial arts class. On Tuesday and Thursday, the students rotate through art, music (guitar and violin), and basic sewing classes. Several girls are also involved in basic a typing class and weekend baking classes.
Since we run our own school we have the advantage of moving girls along at an accelerated pace if they learn quickly. We anticipate that many of our girls will be able to catch up to their age levels and be fully prepared for higher secondary education (class 11 and 12) and even beyond by the time they reach eighteen or twenty years of age. They have made remarkable progress so far and are we are very excited their future prospects.