
Our Vision

Seven Sisters International provides holistic, rehabilitative care for minor girls who have suffered from trafficking and abuse in South Asia. Our goal is to nurture and empower our girls to become resilient and independent women of courage, so they can successfully reintegrate into society and, ultimately, become change agents within their culture.

What We Do

We operate a government registered children’s home which provides a safe, loving environment for girls in need of healing and protection.  Our professional staff attends to the physical, emotional and educational needs of each child.  Our legal team aggressively seeks justice in the courts against offenders.  We also operate an accredited school and provide job skills training.  Our goal is to nurture and empower girls toward independence and wholeness.

Our Services

Our girls have experienced multiple trauma even before they were trafficked and subjected to slavery.  We use specialized counseling specifically designed for treating sexual abuse survivors, in regular therapy sessions conducted by our staff psychologist and counselors.

Literacy and academic achievement are given a high priority.  Most of our girls were in slavery from a young age, so they come to us illiterate.  With tailored education plans targeted to each girl’s ability and experience, we are able to accelerate her progress in order to catch her up to grade level.

Our girls also participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities from self-defense class, computer training, arts and crafts, aerobics, yoga, and dance.

Whenever possible we try to reintegrate a child with her community.  Our social work team goes to great lengths to locate families in far flung villages with limited information on location or names of family members.  They assess the facts to determine if is safe to return a child to their home environment.

Justice is an important element in a victim’s healing journey.  Our legal team pursues justice in the courts against our girls’ abusers and works to secure all the benefits due them under the law.

There are more than thirty eight million slaves in the world today and more than half of them are in South Asia. The majority are women and children. Many of these children are trafficked out of poor tribal areas and sold to supply the brothels in large cities. They are also forced into labor as factory workers, agricultural workers, beggars, and even into the circus. Girls are especially targeted as domestic servants where they are often physically and sexually abused and deprived of the opportunity to go to school.